Never Incaffeinate Alone
I love coffee. I love the new wave of espresso bars in London, and I have visited most of them. Recently, I noticed getting coffee became a habit and it's not so much fun anymore. Grabbing a coffee used to be a vehicle of social interaction, a reason to meet people, but recently it has become an addiction. I decided to change that this year and never get coffee alone. I'm going to exploit my addiction for good coffee in London as an incentive to meet more people. So if you want to keep me awake during the week, grab a coffee with me. I can be found on twitter @fhuszar, email or linkedIn.
The link between startups and coffee
Startups and artisan coffee shops have grown massively in London over the past years. It's telling to look at the google trends graph comparing 'london startup' and 'london flat white' below. The assiciation is so strong, some have coined the term flat white economy.
I am a big coffee addict. I don't consume excessive amounts, but I like good espresso. At home I have the most hackable espresso machine. I dream of building an Adruino board controlling temperature - but I never have the time or the expertise to really do that. I get my bi-weekly dose of freshly roasted beans from a London startup Pact. So my baseline level of coffee quality at home is quite high. I want to make going out for a coffee special again, and hopefully my new policy will help me achieve that.